I believe

where there’s truth, there’s strength.


Those of us who feel called to follow the entrepreneurial path are uniquely positioned to create an impact on our world. Our businesses can be a conduit for change, but this requires a devoted exploration and connection to our soul in order to see it through.

If this feels true for you, I’m so excited to welcome you—first, with a note about the layout of this website.

Typically, a homepage is designed to lead you through a carefully crafted flow. And I respect that. But I also wanted to do something a little different.

I wanted to give your soul, your needs, your desires a real place here.

So this page will unfold for you organically, as you choose what you want to learn more about. There is structure, but it is fluid, allowing you to follow your own curiosity and build your own experience.

Flow through this as you like, allowing your interest and intuition to guide you. You’ll find links to learn more as you expand sections, or you can use the navigation at the bottom of the page when you arrive there.


Does the idea of marketing make you uncomfortable, and perhaps a bit queasy?

Me, too. That’s why I’m on a mission to reclaim and redefine marketing as a grounding, mindful element of our heart- and soul-based businesses.

I believe that we do our best work and live our most authentic lives when we establish a Why—a core purpose, a True North—and then develop a strategy around that purpose, which then sets us on a path to achieve it.

Mindful marketing is a beautiful extension of this work. It seeks to ground us in the elemental nature of genuine connection, which emphasizes the need to establish relationships, build trust, and stand firmly in one’s Truth, all while holding the reality of impermanence.

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For those who choose to join me on the mindful marketing path, our work together will explore what feels right for you, blending foundation and structure with flow and surrender. We will continually follow what feels like a sigh of relief for you.

After establishing your raison d’être, we’ll then take it a (next right) step at a time, wielding wise discernment as our most powerful resource.

Ready to reclaim the idea of marketing as something beautiful?

Does this sound like you? Learn more about high-conscious entrepreneurs here

You can learn more about me here

You can learn more about how we can work together here


The days of separating soul from business, mindfulness from marketing, are numbered.

Together, let’s embrace a remarkable new way of working that supports heart- and soul-centered leaders (like us!) who are actively putting purpose first.

Let’s change the way we do business.

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I know that you strive for genuine connection and relationships with your clients and customers.

You deeply understand that people buy from people, and you want to show up as a real person while your marketing strategy also treats each person who encounters your work like a real person, not a number.

And you know that urgency tactics and scarcity mindset are negatively impacting our nervous systems.

I stand with you in these beliefs. Let’s make a change together.

Let’s invite mindfulness into marketing. Let’s listen closely to what our souls have to say. Let’s show up with curious, open energy.

Let’s open our hearts and allow them to guide us into a new paradigm of how we do business.

Are you with me?

You can learn more about mindful marketing here

You can learn more about me here

You can learn more about how we can work together here


This path, should you choose to join me, is not for those who seek answers outside of themselves.

I believe in the inherent wisdom we each hold. In our work together, we will return to your deep inner truth again and again for insight and inspiration.

I am committed to illuminating that truth for everyone I encounter by operating from a place of radical generosity and unapologetic permission-giving. Our bodies are enormously intelligent, and it’s time we stop ignoring the signals of intuition even in (especially in!) the workspace.

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There are four core beliefs that inform all that I do and speak directly to the heart of my own inherent wisdom. They are: radical generosity, kindness, inquiry, and impact. And here is what they mean to me.

Radical generosity. A subtly subversive way to disrupt what many of us know as standard operating procedure.

Kindness. The baseline of all interactions, which guarantees we operate from our heart space.

Inquiry. Space for inquiry so that we, as mindful marketers using wise discernment as our instrument of change, can begin to hear the soul.

Impact. Forget your five-year plan. When we can focus on our next right step, and live into our purpose day by day, that’s when we create the change we wish to see.

These are beautifully nuanced ideas. If you’re called to learn more, I dive deeper in subsequent blog posts.

You can learn more about my core beliefs here


The right next step needn’t be extravagant. Any movement signals to the Universe that you are ready.

Setting our intentions is a powerful, important, and necessary first step, but we cannot stop there. For us to see the change we desire in the world, we have to take that first step. Sometimes that looks like non-action, such as heeding a call for deep rest. And sometimes that next step is simple (but no less powerful for being so), such as writing down your idea or speaking it out loud to a trusted friend.

Take a moment to pause here. What is your soul asking for?

And that, dear friends, that opening up to receive is when the magic of co-creation begins to find its way to you.

What is your next right step?

If you’d like to explore more, see if one of these is calling to you.

Explore how we

might work together


Get to know

a bit more about me


Read what’s been

on my heart lately
